Just Chew it!

Chewing Can Help Your Digestion.

Chew, chew! You should be chewing around 32-40 times each mouthful. It helps aid digestion and starts the production of amylase (this helps you digest food by telling the stomach food is on its way).

Are you guilty of eating on the go or eating whilst on your phone or computer? I know I am. This can be terrible for our bodies, the body needs to concentrate on the job at hand; digestion. Enjoy your food, taste every mouthful and your body will thank you for it. It can help with acid reflux and bloating. Who knew?

If you don’t have the a diverse gut biome (good gut bugs,) this can cause all sorts of issues from leaky gut to depression, as 80% of our serotonin is made in the gut, so you can see why it’s so important to look after gut health.

We can do this by eating more vegetables, half a plate full is a good goal. And also try to eat more live foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, live yoghurt and kefir. These foods are the live bit and the vegetables feed them. Easy hey?

Sometimes it’s the simplest of things that can be greatest help. That’s why we always dig deep into gut health during all appointments. And especially with our fertility clients as we often see issues with the gut have a big connection with fertility, as gut dysbiosis has an inflammatory effect on all the body. Remember good health starts in the gut.


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