Vaginal Microbiome Testing

Vaginal Microbiome Testing is New to Points!

Here at Points we are using more and more of these amazing vaginal microbiome tests. What are they for? I hear you ask, well they are great for finding underling bacterias and yeasts in the vagina’s ecosystem.

This can impact fertility in many ways as they can make the uterine wall an inhospitable place, and in simple terms if there is something still lurking in the shade down there, it’s not a place a baby wants to grow.

We use mainly use the Invivo EcologX test which looks at many different biomarkers to see what’s really going on. It gives us a really clear picture of the microbiota abundance, host inflammatory markers and pH levels.

When things aren’t optimal in this area it’s called dysbiosis, this has been linked to a multitude of disorders, including: bacterial vaginosis (BV), premature delivery in pregnant women, infertility, miscarriages and increased risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

They are often the missing link in putting a full fertility picture together. Once we help the vagianl ecosystem become healthy again, we have seem fertilely levels really improve in our clinic.

At Points we dig deeper and don’t leave any stone unturned to help you on your fertility journey.

Please get in touch for more info.


On Point.


Fertility Support Trained